Relentless Cancellation Policies
Weather related issues are a persistent presence regarding club volleyball in Central Pennsylvania. We have access to no better weather related information that you and we are not weather or travel safety experts. We also often have limited options to make up either tournaments or practice times and refunds are typically not available for missed events. It is your responsibility to know and adjust for weather in your travel plans. If you plan to travel in winter weather, please take precautions, allow yourself additional travel time and never travel in conditions that you do not feel are safe for you and your family. However, we do ask that you communicate clearly, directly and promptly with your coach regarding your weather related travel decisions.
SCASD CANCELLATIONS - (ALL SCASD GYMS- does not include C3 Sports)
If a weeknight practice is scheduled for a SCASD gym and school is canceled, dismisses early or cancels evening activities - we are AUTOMATICALLY CANCELED - SCASD policy. We typically will not make up practices missed due to weather. If we have a string of missed practices, we will try to arrange a time and place to get in the gym somewhere when available or utilize our Open Gyms as make ups.
There may be poor weather forecast for a only portion of your anticipated travel time so please make adjustments accordingly. Often it may snow heavily the evening before a tournament but the roads are clear the next morning, or vice-verse.